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Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Addiction And Suicide Self-Help...NOT!

I belong to a news organization where reporters seek out sources for articles and books they are writing.  If I feel I can be a source of help, I respond to the reporter.  I've had a few snippets with a byline in some articles.

Yesterday, I ran across a request that is so dangerous it has me praying with righteous indignation.  There is an anonymous author searching for sources with addiction and/or suicide stories.  That caught my attention because I have both of these stories.  As I read the description of what this author was looking for I had chills run up my spine.

The author is looking for stories and any sources of online help or organizations that you found useful in recovery.  Not too bad so far.  Then I read that the author is putting together a self-help book for addicts and suicidal people.  Chills, right!

I'm not against self-help.  There are many areas in your life where you can help yourself.  You can set some goals, create new habits, learn a new skill, and so on.  However, I'm sure there is no reputable counselor, therapist or minister would suggest self-help for addiction or suicide.

Addiction is stealthy and subtle.  The addict has a brain that has been addled with chemicals that force unhealthy behaviors.  This is out the control of the addict.  Their minds are not thinking clearly and the truly addicted will risk anything to get their next fix.  Yes, anything.  Their relationships.  Their health.  Their freedom.  Taking a brain that is wired for addiction and applying self help techniques will simply drive the addict further into their addiction.

Suicidal people are also not thinking clearly.  They are not themselves.  The natural will to live that normally keeps us safe from danger and preserves life is not functioning in the suicidal mind.  There is no safety net left in the brain.  A suicidal person will almost always reach out to someone for help, but not always.  They certainly can't look to themselves for help.

This book will be dangerous.  I am praying for protection for future readers of this author's work.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Why I Made An Ebenezer

First of all, what is an Ebenezer?  I’m not talking about the main character in Dickens, A Christmas Tale.  It actually comes from the Bible. The Israelites were under attack by the Philistines.  They were outnumbered and terrified. They asked the prophet Samuel to call out to God for help.  In response, Samuel prayed and offered a sacrifice and the Philistines were defeated. Then Samuel did this:

I Samuel 7:12 Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer saying, “Thus far the Lord has helped us.”
The definition of the word Ebenezer means stone of help.  Samuel created a monument as a reminder of God’s help in a seemingly impossible situation.  

There are many places in the Old Testament where stones are used as monuments to God’s help.  It’s probably not an exhaustive list but I found at least 15 verses where this took place.
I have been doing a summer Bible study with a group of women friends based on the book, The Me Project by Kathi Lipp.  It is a wonderful book to help you learn to focus on getting to know yourself, love yourself, understanding more of God, and creating a deeper relationship with God.
In one chapter she mentions the importance of remembering the successes that God has helped you achieve.  She mentioned an Ebenezer and other ideas as tangible memorials that can be looked at to take us back to that place of remembrance and be grateful.
As part of my “Me Project”, I decided to complete the marketing plan for my book Well, and do it incorporating the process used in Lipp’s book.
I am so happy to say that with God’ help I completed my project in a way that honors him.  I learned a lot about myself and God while I was doing it and my relationship with God is stronger as a result of this study.

To remember this summer study, I decided to build an Ebenezer.  It seemed fitting to create a well replica out of my stones of help.  It’s sitting on my desk and every time I glance at it, I feel a little extra joy in my heart.